We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-129C|Technical Specification for a 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B Surveillance System. This document defines the minimum technical specification for a 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B Surveillance System. The ADS-B System is the “SUR Sensor” element of an infrastructure supporting ATS Surveillance Service(s), such as the Approa ...
ED-229B - Interoperability Requirements Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communications
We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-229B|Interoperability Requirements Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communications. This document provides the interoperability requirements (INTEROP) standard for the implementation of the Air Traffic Service (ATS) applications supporting the Baseline 2 data link services as specified in the Baseline 2 Safety and Performance Req ...
ED-228B - Safety and Performance Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communication
We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-228B|Safety and Performance Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communication. This standard provides the operational, safety, and performance requirements (SPR) for the implementation of data communication services that support air traffic services (ATS). It is intended to support the communication element of the implementation of ...
ED-259A - Minimum Operational Performance Standard for Dual-Frequency Multi-Constellation Satellite-Based Augmentation System Airborne Equipment
We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-259A|Minimum Operational Performance Standard for Dual-Frequency Multi-Constellation Satellite-Based Augmentation System Airborne Equipment. This document is the avionics standards for GPS/Galileo/SBAS equipment supporting Required Navigation Performance (RNP) en route and terminal operations, departure operations, RNP APCH (appr ...
EUROCAE Open Consultation ED-137C_1 Ch. 2
We are pleased to announce the availability of the following draft EUROCAE document prepared by EUROCAE WG-67 SG-1 "Voice over IP for ATM Applications - Radio Sub-Group" for Open Consultation: Draft ED-137C_1 Ch. 2 "Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 1 Radio - Change 2" Change 2 to ED-137C-1 contains updates coming from Change Requests submitted by Users ...