Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) Training

  • The ICAO Annex 6 Standard asks for yearly operational checks and evaluations of in-flight CVR recordings to ensure the continued serviceability of CVRs. The ICAO standards are referencing the EUROCAE ED-112A specifications. This new EUROCAE training aims to help understand ED-112A application in the frame of CVR inspection.

  • This training will provide the necessary information to the airlines to well analyse the CVR audio recording and detect the audio anomalies. It will explain how to protect the pilot privacy information.

  • In-flight audio analysis is crucial to provide optimal quality of the CVR recordings analysed by the worldwide accident investigation authorities within the framework of safety investigations and consequently for the improvement of aviation safety.

  • In addition, the speaker, beyond the items mentioned above, may help to locate the potential sources at the origin of these anomalies.

  • ED-112A is the standard applicable to the design / qualification of airborne crash recorders (CVR and DFDR) and are the AMC identified in AIR-OPS 965-2012 for CVR annual inspections (EASA mandate). 

  • The purpose of the training is to enable participants to understand ED-112A application in the frame of CVR inspection as per AIR-OPS 965-2012.
  • Assimilate the rules and requirements related to CVR inspection.
  • Understand:
    • Why CVR analysis is required.
    • Regulations related to the CVR (ICAO, CS, AIR-OPS, TSO / ETSO).
    • CVR system description.
    • Audio parameters to consider as per applicable MOPS (ED-56A, ED-112 or ED-112A) according to CofA.
  • To see how the use of enhanced software tool is beneficial to the CVR recording analysis.
    • Example of undesired events that affect the recording will be shared.
    • Better understanding of BEA guidance. 
  • The instructor is an expert in CVR analysis in the aviation domain.
  • EUROCAE will provide trainees with ED-112A document in the frame of the training.
  • Certificate of completion of the course. 
  • Anyone involved in the CVR analysis as AIR-OPS 965-2012 (airlines, MRO, Part 145).
  • No prior experience in CVR analysis is required but prior access to aviation documentation (CS, AIR-OPS, EUROCAE) is beneficial.
To register, please follow our 2-step-registration!

1) Complete the Typeform for your registration.

2) Proceed with your payment at the e-shop.

11-12 December 2024: CLASSROOM AT EUROCAE HEADQUARTERS IN PARIS, 09:00-17:00 (€1,280 for Members / €1,600 for non-members)



For any information, please contact