New Publication: ED-323 "Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Required Navigation Performance for Area Navigation"

We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-323 "Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Required Navigation Performance for Area Navigation".

ED-323 contains Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for airborne area navigation equipment operated in a Required Navigation Performance (RNP) operational environment. The MOPS documents the minimum requirements and guidance for one functional part of the airplane system that is described and specified by the MASPS ED-75(). These standards specify system characteristics that should be useful to designers, manufacturers, installers and users of the equipment. The requirements of the MOPS are intended to be consistent with the definition of RNP developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Performance Based Navigation (PBN) study group and enable PBN-based operational applications. This is because the MOPS presents a comprehensive set of minimum requirements for RNP that enables a manufacturer to develop equipment suited to designated system installations and PBN operational applications. Compliance with these standards is recommended as one means of assuring that the equipment will perform its intended function(s) satisfactorily under all conditions normally encountered in routine aeronautical operations. This document is technically identical to RTCA DO-283C.

A big thank you to the dedicated members of WG-85 "4D Navigation" for their invaluable contributions! Coordination has been achieved with RTCA SC-227.

Already available on the EUROCAE eShop.