ICNS2022 conference opening keynote: Anna von Groote

Join us on 05 April in the ICNS2022 conference opening keynote, to hear from Anna von Groote, the newly appointed EUROCAE Director-General, on recent developments in European and international standardization on CNS and spectrum-related issues.
The Integrated Communications Navigation and Surveillance (ICNS) Conference is the premier international aviation conference addressing technology and policy advances in CNS research, development and implementation programs, and policies related to CNS/ATM capabilities and applications. The ICNS Conference assembles leaders from government, industry, and academia, as well as senior technical experts to address important policy issues and contribute to the future directions of CNS and ATM.
The 2022 ICNS program focuses on the promises, challenges, and developments in the areas of policy, verification, validation, and certification of autonomous operations in CNS and ATM. The aviation field has entered a new digital era with ever-increasing autonomy by vehicles in the air and ATM systems on the ground. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and other innovative technologies promise unprecedented performance yet present significant challenges for the verification, validation, and certification
The 22nd INCS Conference will take place on April 5 – 7, 2022, Westin Washington Dulles Airport, Herndon, Virginia, USA (In-person & Virtual)
Find the agenda here: 2022 Agenda - ICNS Conference (i-cns.org)