EUROCAE welcomes its 400th member: UNICAIR GmbH

EUROCAE is delighted to announce that UNICAIR GmbH joined as 400th member.
UNICAIR is a leading European Air Ambulance company with a fleet of 15 owned air ambulance aircraft and integrated medical teams, operating worldwide. UNICAIR approached the EUROCAE Secretariat in Fall 2021 with the request to create a new activity supporting the aeromedical industry in handling of infectious passengers.
Working Group-123 “Infectious passenger handling in air ambulance operations” was kicked off in February 2022 and is now developing a Guidance Document for aeromedical handling and transport of infectious passengers under the lead of two UNICAIR co-chairs.
WG-123 is already the third Working Group resulting of the Covid-19 pandemic and is expected to provide this industry standard early next year.
With more than 4500 individual experts from 400+ member organisations working in 52 active Working Groups, EUROCAE is developing standards supporting the aeronautical industry in various domains. Check out all our WGs under