EUROCAE Leadership Summit

Today EUROCAE organised the Leadership summit – an event aiming at exchanging with the leaders of many of the currently 46 active Working Groups (WG) and their Sub-Groups (SG) on the latest developments but also on the necessary improvements from the Secretariat to better support WG activities.

This years session had a particular focus on Cybersecurity and how other standardisation activities can benefit or can be linked to from the expertise and experience of WG-72. Cyrille Rosay, Chair of WG-72, presented an overview of the current situation, standards and regulatory frame which was followed by a lively discussion between all participants.

Christian Schleifer opened the event highlighting the standards important role of WG leadership in achieving the goals of EUROCAE as a global standardisation organisation.

He stressed that the role of standards is increasing and EUROCAE is ready to support this need. He thanked WG leaders for the effort they invested to keep the activities ongoing during these challenging times and asked the WG leaders to convey our appreciation to all 3400+ experts for their continuous engagement in the different EUROCAE WGs!