
We are pleased to inform you that EUROCAE WG-124 "Spectrum" has been created.The WG is intended to provide guidance to ensure that the radio frequency (RF) characteristics of aeronautical Communications, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) systems use the spectrum efficiently while respecting the necessary safety margins. The guidance is intended to facilitate any future evaluati ...

We are pleased to announce the publication of ER-026|Virtual Centre Standardisation. The report provides a comprehensive report outlining the context of the Virtual Centre concept and proposing a detailed work programme for Virtual Centres services standardisation. The report covers: - Context: status of R&D activities, status of industrialisation, regulatory context, polit ...

EUROCAE appoints Anna von Groote as new Director General. She will assume her new role on 14 February 2022 and will succeed Christian Schleifer-Heingärtner. 

We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-278A|Concept of Operations for VTOL Aircraft Volume 1 - General Considerations. ED-278A is an update of, and supersedes ED-278 of September 2020. It specifies the structure and information expected to be provided by a Concept of Operations (ConOps) for VTOL aircraft. Volume 1 of this document shall serve as guidance to structure ...

Read the January NEWSblog HERE.