
We are pleased to inform you that EUROCAE WG-98 SG-1 "Return Link Service" has been created.Several aircraft disappearances occurred over water, including Malaysian MH370, for which the survivors, the wreckage and the flight recorders have not been recovered. As the long-lasting or non-recovery of recorders greatly reduces the likelihood of discovering the actual cause of accid ...

We are pleased to inform you that EUROCAE WG-109 "Runway Weather Information Systems" has been created.Internationally, operating regulations on runway surface contamination are primarily set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), particularly through Annexes 6, 14 and 15 of the Convention on the International Civil Aviation. The said annexes set out recommend ...

RPAS 5030-5091 MHz CNPC LOS and BLOS compatibility study ...

We are pleased to announce the availability of the following draft EUROCAE document prepared by EUROCAE WG-75 "Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance Systems (TCAS)" for Open Consultation: Draft ED-256 Vol. II "Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Airborne Collision Avoidance System X (ACAS X) - Volume II - Algorithm Design Description" ACAS X is an airborne collision a ...

We are pleased to announce the availability of the following draft EUROCAE document prepared by EUROCAE WG-75 "Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance Systems (TCAS)" for Open Consultation: ED-256 Vol. I "Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Airborne Collision Avoidance System X (ACAS X) (ACAS Xa and ACAS Xo)" This document sets forth minimum operational performance stan ...

EUROCAE Call for participation   EUROCAE Working Group 80 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Systems   EUROCAE is launching a Call for Participation to inform interested parties about activities undertaken by WG-80 and to provide a possibility to nominate project participants. If your company is interested in a contribution to these activities, please complete the registration form availa ... ...

EUROCAE WG-98 CFP closes soon! EUROCAE WG-98 will begin work on ED-xxx, Minimum Aviation System Performance Specification for Aircraft Emergency Locator Transmitter Return Link Service If you are interested in this activity and would like to contribute to the development of the two standards, please complete the registration form before 2 March 2018. ...

This document aims to provide guidance for those who want to achieve Interoperability for their ATM Validation Platforms. It refers to EUROCAE ED-147A ATM Validation Platforms Interoperability Specification [ED-1]. The document complements ED-147A [ED-1] by proposing a common collaboration model that aims to support ATM Validation Platform stakeholders to reach their goal of wo ... ...