Calling all experts!
Call for Participation
Join EUROCAE's Technical Advisory Committee
The EUROCAE Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is composed of 12 specialist members, each selected to achieve a balanced representation of EUROCAE interests.
Reactivation of WG-104 SWIM Services: Calling All Experts!
WG-104 is tasked with updating ED-254 in line with the experience gained during early implementations of the Standard.
Join the New WG-130 "ATM/ANS Supporting Standards"
On 10 October, the EUROCAE Council approved the establishment of WG-130 ATM/ANS Supporting Standards.
Join EUROCAE's Technical Advisory Committee
In order to better represent EUROCAE membership, two new seats have been created during Council #326 and we are therefore looking for volunteers.
Call for Participation: WG-109 & WG-128
Join the Working Groups.
Call for Participation: Sustainability
Join the Working Groups.
Call for Participation: new WG-76 Activities
Join the Working Groups.
Call for Participation: WG-124 Spectrum
Join the Working Group.
Call for Participation WG-111: Airport Collaborative Decision Making
Join the Working Group.