
We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-137C/2-8|Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 2 Telephone - Addendum 8 Radio Intercom Call. The scope of ED-137 is to define the rules for VoIP implementations to support ATM communications and their interoperability. ED-137 is composed of multiple Volumes, each of which is dedicated to a specific applicatio ...

We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-137C/2-7|Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 2 Telephone - Addendum 7 Hotline Access Call. The scope of ED-137 is to define the rules for VoIP implementations to support ATM communications and their interoperability. ED-137 is composed of multiple Volumes, each of which is dedicated to a specific applicatio ...

We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-137C/2-6|Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 2 Telephone - Addendum 6 Extended Call Forward. The scope of ED-137 is to define the rules for VoIP implementations to support ATM communications and their interoperability. ED-137 is composed of multiple Volumes, each of which is dedicated to a specific applicat ...

We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-137C/2-5|Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 2 Telephone - Addendum 5 Voice Call. The scope of ED-137 is to define the rules for VoIP implementations to support ATM communications and their interoperability. ED-137 is composed of multiple Volumes, each of which is dedicated to a specific application. Volume ...

We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-137C/2-4|Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 2 Telephone - Addendum 4 Override Call. The scope of ED-137 is to define the rules for VoIP implementations to support ATM communications and their interoperability. ED-137 is composed of multiple Volumes, each of which is dedicated to a specific application. Vol ...

We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-137C/2-3|Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 2 Telephone - Addendum 3 Instantaneous Access Call. The scope of ED-137 is to define the rules for VoIP implementations to support ATM communications and their interoperability. ED-137 is composed of multiple Volumes, each of which is dedicated to a specific appl ...

We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-137C/2-2|Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 2 Telephone - Addendum 2 FAA Legacy Telephone Interworking. The scope of ED-137 is to define the rules for VoIP implementations to support ATM communications and their interoperability. ED-137 is composed of multiple Volumes, each of which is dedicated to a speci ...

We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-137C/2-1|Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 2 Telephone - Addendum 1 Legacy Telephone Interworking ATS-R2 ATS-No.5 and ATS-QSIG. The scope of ED-137 is to define the rules for VoIP implementations to support ATM communications and their interoperability. ED-137 is composed of multiple Volumes, each of whic ...

We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-137C/2|Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 2 Telephone. The scope of ED-137 is to define the rules for VoIP implementations to support ATM communications and their interoperability. ED-137 is composed of multiple Volumes, each of which is dedicated to a specific application. Volume 2 proposes a profile stan ...

We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-194A Ch. 1|Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for Aircraft Surveillance Applications (ASA) System. These MOPS for the ASA System contain requirements for processing, control and display of traffic and Ownship information for use by the flight crew in performing airborne applications. Change 1 to Revision A will addr ...